How this demo globally works?

This demo contains two applications: A Strapi and a Next.js one. The content is created and delivered by Strapi. On the other side, this Next.js application simply fetch the data from Strapi and display it right here. Next.js is using SSR to fetch the data (need to reload to see content updates from Strapi) but you can absolutety use SSG, this is what we do on our strapi.io website šŸš€

Is there some customizations just for this demo?

Yes! In fact, please find the list below of the customizations that have been done for the purpose of this demo. These customizations won't be there in a default project but it is very easy to have them:

The following plugins were added: SEO, Sitemap, Calendar, Scheduler, Cookie Manager, strapi-plugin-populate-deep, Todo

Also, a Ckeditor 5 custom field has been added to the article content type for writing the content of it.

šŸ§© 4 admin extensions were added:

  • Publication Workflow System workaround allowing you to track publication events of the article content-type. Learn more about it
  • A draft filter button which should work in combination with the Publication Workflow System. This is a button that will appear as an editor/author in the article listView allowing you to directly filters through the articles that needs a review/needs changes. It is using the PublicationStage field. Pretty useful when you regularly have to filters your content by just a click.
  • A Preview button. Only working with the Next.js preview system, this button will appear on your restaurants, articles, and pages editView in the right section allowing you to preview them on your front-end.
  • A Tweet button. This button will appear on your restaurants, and articles editView in the right section allowing you to share a tweet about this content.

How many components can we nest in Strapi?

Using the UI, you can nest 2 components only. However, by directly modifying the JSON file of the parent component, you can nest way more! This is not something we encourage to do but this is possible. In fact, the footer component of the Global single-type contains a footerColumns component that itself contains a links repeatable component šŸ¤Æ

What if something is broken on Next.js?

Strapi is an headless CMS. It is completely dissociated from the front-end application which is Next.js here. Everything can work like a charm on the Strapi side but not on the front-end side, and vice-versa. There could have been an infinite number of possible Next.js application fetching the data of this Strapi application and some of them would have been better than some others. This front-end app is not perfect, but simple enough to demonstrate how a simple client application can work with Strapi.

If you face any issues during your demo trial, please, feel free to submit a GitHub issue to the project.

What if my demo is slow?

If you requested a demo on our website it is normal. Compared to what we can see in our ecosystem, we want to deliver a unique demo for everyone so that they can personalize it as much as they want. However, these demos run on the cloud with limited resources šŸ™‚

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